Box and whisker plot
Move the black dots to modify the dot plot. The data corresponding to the new situation will be displayed. The central part of the box gives us an idea of the dispersion of the data, which we can estimate using the interquartile range \(\mathrm{IQR} = Q_{3} - Q_{1}\). We consider outliers those that are above \(Q_{3} + 1.5 \cdot \mathrm{IQR}\), or below \(Q_{1}- 1.5 \cdot \mathrm{IQR}\). To calculate the median, we take the data that divides the data set in two: before it there is the same amount of data as after it. If the amount of data is even, we take the average of the two data points closest to the middle. To calculate the quartiles: we take the medians corresponding to each of the sets into which we divide the data when calculating the median. We can visualize the mean to compare it with the median. When using the mean, we measure dispersion using the (sample) deviation. Next to the mean, the resulting intervals are shown by adding 1 or 2 times the deviation.
See also
Probability and statistics formula sheet