


git Cheatsheet

Command list

In this section you will find the most used instructions.

command notes
gitk Opens a new window to view the branches with a graphical interface
git add file Start tracking the file, adding it to the stage. It is done before the commit
git add . Start tracking all the files in the current directory, adding it to the stage
git blame file Show who has changed lines in a file
git blame -c file See who has changed the lines of the file indentedly
git blame file -l line,line See who modified the file lines.
git branch Review the existing branches and the current one.
git branch branch Create branch
git branch -a See all branches.
git branch -D branch Delete branch
git branch -r View remote branches.
git branch branch -c Copy the branch
git checkout hash file See the file on the hash version.
git checkout master file See the file in the master version.
git checkout branch Change current branch.
git checkout -b new branch Copy the current branch to a new branch.
git cherry-pick hash Applies a commit from a hash.
git clean --dry -run Simulate what is going to be deleted, without deleting.
git clean -f Delete the files, except the folders and gitignore.
git clone URL Clone the remote repository.
git commit -m "message" Register changes to the repository, along with a message.
git commit -am message Automatically stage the modified and deleted files and register changes to the repository, along with a command line message. Note:new files are not affected.
git commit --amend Modify the most recent commit and open a text editor to change the message.
git commit --amend -m "message" Modify the most recent commit and change the message from the command line.
git commit --amend --no-edit Modify the most recent commit without changing the commit message.
git config View the list of git configurations.
git config --global user.name name Change the your name settings.
git config --global user.email email Change the your email settings.
git config --global init.defaultBranch name Change the main branch.
git config --global alias.abbreviation command Create an abbreviation for a command.
git diff See current differences.
git diff hash hash See differences between versions.
git fetch Downloads commits, files, and references from a remote repository into your local repo but doesn’t merge the changes
git grep word Shows how many times a word appears and where.
git grep -n word Shows the line in which the word appears.
git grep -c word Shows the number of occurrences of the word in each file.
git init Prepare the directory for git.
git log View change history.
git log file View the change history of a file.
git log file --stat View specific changes to files.
git log --all View all change history.
git log --all --graph View all change history graphed with branches.
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline View the entire change history graphed with branches on a single line.
git merge branch Merge the changes from the mentioned branch to the current one.
git pull remote-branch local-branch Bring the remote repository and merge it with local branch.
git pull origin main Bring the remote repository and merge it with local branch.
git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories Bring the remote repository even if there are unrelated stories (leftover files).
git push remote-branch local-branch
git push origin main Send the changes to the remote repository.
git push origin --tags Send the tags to the remote repository.
git push origin :refs/tags/name Delete tags
git rebase branch Change the base of your branch from one commit to another making it appear as if you'd created your branch from a different commit.
git reflog List EVERYTHING, even what was deleted.
git remote add name URL Link a remote repository.
git remote Enlazar un repositorio remoto.
git remote -v Review remote repositories being more verbose.
git reset hash --hard EVERYTHING goes back to a previous version.
git reset hash --soft The working directory returns to the previous version but the staging remains intact.
git restore file Restores the file to the previous version.
git rm file Delete individual files or a set of them.
git rm --cached file Delete the files from the stage.
git shortlog Show each person commits.
git shortlog -sn Only shows the people who have made commits and how many they have made.
git shortlog -sn -all Shows all commits, even deleted ones.
git shortlog -sn -all --no-merges Shows all commits without taking into account merges.
git stash Save temporary changes not ready for a commit, leaving everything as it was in the last commit.
git stash list View what is saved in a stash.
git stash pop Go back to the changes saved in the stash.
git stash new-branch Move the stash modifications to a new branch.
git stash drop Delete changes from stash.
git status View project status.
git show Show the last change.
git show file Show the file changes.
git show-ref --tags Show hashes next to tags.
git show-branch Show branches and their commits.
git show-branch -all Show both remote-tracking branches and local branches.
git tag Show existing tags.
git tag -a v0.1 -m message hash Create a new label.
git tag -d name Delete tag.

Commit advices

type notes
add Create a capability, such as a feature, test or dependency.
build Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (gulp, broccoli, npm).
bump Increase the version of something, such as a dependency.
chore Changes that do not modify src or test files.
ci (Continuous Integrations) Changes to our CI scripts and configuration files (Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs).
cut Remove a capability, such as a feature, test, dependency.
A change in documentation.
feat A new characteristic.
fix A bug fix.
make Change the construction process, tools or infrastructure.
optimize Refactor performance, such as a code speedup.
perf A code change that improves performance.
refactor A code change that does not fix a bug or add a feature.
reformat Refactor formatting such as to omitting whitespace.
revert Revert to a previous configuration.
start Start doing something like creating a feature flag.
stop Finish doing something like deleting a feature flag.
style Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (whitespaces, formatting, missing semicolons, etc...)
test Add missing tests or fix existing tests.